Despite often warnings people are still not fully aware of all the dangers of sun exposure and sun-bathing. Ultra-violet rays can cause mild to moderate sunburns which contribute to development of skin cancer.
Besides, unprotected skin ages more quickly. Therefore you should always have a sun cream with an appropriate factor in your beach bag. Be especially careful of those parts of the body which are not exposed to the sun very often.
Even though exhibitionism and voyeurism are the essential parts of nudism, most nudists appreciate a bit of privacy on the beach.
Be considerate to others and don’t flash you possessions too much or too proudly. Also don’t stare at their intimate parts, or others might get the impression that you see a naked butt or breasts for the first time. Don’t point your finger and don’t mock anyone!
Find your own place on the beach and enjoy the privacy, the sun and water.
The Vritomartis Nudist Beach is a pleasant 10 minute walk from the main complex, or there is a regular minibus service for those less energetic.
(A walk there and the bus back always seemed to be the right combination for me!)
One of the most talked about benefits of nudism is the extreme effect it has on those suffering from psoriasis.
This skin disease is often treated with a fluorescent light that attempts to simulate the sun. Fully exposing the body to the sun helps treat the psoriasis much more quickly and with much more fun!
While a full nudist life would be ideal in terms of cutting out a hassle of life, most people have to be pleased with visiting a nudist resort to get their fill of these benefits.
Several other benefits are exclusive to these types of vacations. For example, aside from the time spent off the resort when coming and going, no clothes are needed which drastically cuts down the amount of luggage that is needed. Also, considering many people will spend much of their vacation time lounging by the pool or on the beach, nudist resorts ensure that no one will leave with those dreaded tan lines.
Imagine, after an exhausting week of the daily facade everyone puts on every morning before we step out our doors, the ability to go to a place where none of that defines the person you are.
Nudism promotes social equality.
Without clothes, there is fewer barrier that will distinguish people of different social status, age, and body shape. In fact, many nudists state that they feel more united with other people as less judgment is imposed.
Just beyond the beach of Castell, take a look at Iberian village of Castell: on the promontory of his Cobertera, where we can observe the archaeological remains of the Iberian deposit (6th century BC until the 2nd century AD) ). The view is just sublime !!
And of course, during a stay in Palamos, you can visit the surrounding villages: Pals, Peratallada, Calella de Palafrugell.
Attitudes to the naked human body vary greatly from one culture to another and from period in history to the next.
What is unacceptable to some societies today may be widely accepted in another fifty years, and vice versa. Nudism in Britain (as in the rest of Europe and North America) is tolerated provided it is within context and confined to prescribed areas, as legitimate art form, or as a publicity stunt in the form of a protest.
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